Top Tips on Travelling Safely

Heaven is truly a place on Earth with awe-inspiring natural attractions, historic landmarks, and beautiful places you can visit. However, one of the things you wish someone to say to you before wandering is “safe travels,” given the mishaps that can occur along the way. Not to worry, though! We’ve collated some of the top tips to ensure that you travel safely, regardless of wherever you are headed in the world. While traveling, we all want to make sure that we are safe and especially when travelling with kids of all ages.

Don’t wear flashy jewelry

If you’re not traveling to Hollywood, Monaco or other luxurious places, then leave your jewelry at home. In some countries, sporting your flashy accessories can serve as a cue that you’re not a local, which can significantly affect how people interact with you.

First, vendors and cab drivers may charge you more than regular prices. Second, you’d be a quick target for robbers. Lastly, you’ll just throw yourself into chances of losing or misplacing them, especially if you’re going for more adventurous trips.

Pick a super safe bag

Never hesitate to invest in a super safe bag, as it is where you’ll be keeping and carrying your valuables. Some bags now boast anti-theft features, such as RFIDs and lockable zippers, making it harder for others to steal your items. Other bags are also made of more durable materials or are multi-layered, preventing them from being slashed.

Place your backpack in front when in crowded places

Once you’ve got a secure bag, you can double up your belongings’ safety in busy areas by placing your bag in front of you. Though it may seem awkward, it provides better vision. Thus, preventing you from being outsmarted by sketchy thieves. Don’t worry as you’re not alone in the crowd as you will most likely see locals and other tourists doing this too.

Learn about popular scams

Scams are everywhere. Fortunately, you can easily avoid them. If you’re visiting any new place or country, research about popular scams beforehand. By educating yourself, you’ll know the red flags, and when to veer from them away, so you don’t get ripped off.

Drink responsibly

One of the best things to enjoy while traveling is the vibrant local nightlife scene available in many cases. There’s nothing wrong with boozing out, as long as you know how to drink responsibly. If you get tipsy, your thinking can be clouded, making you forget the direction, or causing you to make reckless decisions. Remember, you’re in a foreign country, and there’s no family or friends to take you home.

Get the phone number for emergency services

Before getting to your destination, save the emergency services number on your phone or jot it down in your notebook. You can also write the numbers of the nearest police, hospital, and embassy so you can quickly call them in case of an emergency.

Know how to ask for help

When going to a new country, people often search for standard greetings and expressions but fail to look for one thing – how to say “help” in the local language. Learning it can be helpful not only in extreme situations but also in less serious interactions, such as when asking for directions if you’re lost, or when you want to alert other people, or asking for assistance if you get hurt.

Find reputable taxi companies

Sadly, cab drivers in some countries take advantage of foreign tourists by charging them hefty fees. That is why you should also search about before heading out to your trip are the trustworthy transportation companies available in your destination. Stick to them to avoid scams, but still be cautious for any red flags.

Moreover, it’s a great practice to memorize or write down the plate or identification number of the taxi you’re riding. Send it to a family member or a friend, so they’ll know who to track should something terrible happen.

Double-check your Grab, Uber, or Lyft

If you opted to go for ride-sharing apps instead, see to it to employ the same caution as you would for a cab. While it is rare, there are reports of fake Grab, Uber, or Lyft drivers picking up passengers and taking them away. An excellent way to confirm if he is, indeed, your driver is by asking who they will pick up. If they say your name, you’re good. If not, you’d better be scurrying away.

Separate ample amount of cash


You’ll undoubtedly encounter many buzzing bazaars, shopping centers, and markets, which many people also flock. So, whenever you’re buying souvenirs, tasting local cuisine, or purchasing some good local stuff, try to separate a small amount of cash so that you won’t be flaunting all your money around. You’ll get an excellent chance on haggling, plus you refrain yourself from being a prey of pickpockets.

Be alert when using ATMs

If you haven’t developed a habit of covering your PIN as you type it into the ATMs, then start developing one. In some countries, thieves have been so innovative that they install built-in cameras into these machines to steal people’s money. Others also have ATM skimmers and use hidden electronics in getting your card’s information for fraudulent transactions. Whenever you need to withdraw cash, try to double-check any suspicious devices around or if there are parts in the ATM that might have been tampered with.

Bring a first aid kit

Are you an adventure seeker who loves to climb mountains, go swimming, or engage in more exhilarating activities, such as river rafting or riding ATVs? If yes, chances are you’ve also sustained some small cuts, injuries or bruises in the process. Having a first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wash, and painkillers can help you attend to these minor issues while on a trip.

Be wise in trusting people

Making new friends while traveling is fun, especially among co-tourists. Though it is undoubtedly okay to build a new relationship, what’s wrong is keeping your guards down entirely with these new acquaintances. Trust but at least not too quickly. There are cases when “new friends” suddenly disappear like a bubble along with your belongings. So, safely keep your essential items in your bag or locker until you’re 100% confident that you’re dealing with good individuals.

Be careful in posting information

One of the common mistakes travelers make is sharing their itineraries on social media. While it is enticing to do so, it can certainly put you in peril. First, posting your whereabouts lets people local to your home aware that you’re not around, which can push them to pursue any robbery plans. Meanwhile, those around you in your accommodation or hostel will also know your whereabouts, also allowing them to carry-on with any malicious intentions. In order to avoid danger, you should consider finding an apartment or accommodation that ensures your safety like on

Don’t eat all you can see

Each country has its own mouth-watering delicacies, exotic foods, and other specialties you’ll likely be tempted to try. But, before splurging to your heart’s content, check first if the food is safe. The preparation may not be as meticulous as you do when homemaking, making it vulnerable to germs, dirt, and food-borne diseases that can get you ill. Such a scenario can be a big hassle to your trip, hurting your budget and itinerary. So, assess if the place looks clean, and pay attention to whatever you’re consuming to avoid any trouble.


Traveling to various places around the world is more fun if you know how to do it safely. Follow these tips so you don’t jeopardize your adventures and so you can fully enjoy what the world has to offer! Happy traveling! If you want to witness rich culture, beautiful scenery, and delicious food, you should consider traveling to Spain and other great destinations but always keep safety in mind.